
For Orekan Bizi it is a pride to have this Team of Collaborators

Multidisciplinary, committed and at the service of what the client needs.

Asier Lopez de Gereño Zarraga

Consultant for management and leadership teams.
Facilitator in experiential trainings.
Specialized in conflict resolution and negotiation.


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Christian Lamm

Lawyer, Mediator and Executive Coach.
Consultant in negotiation processes.
Specialized in Lego Serious Play methodology.


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Idurre Albizu Lluvia

Head of Business Develpment at Garaia Parke Teknologikoa.
Consultant, Coach and Trainer.
Specialized in Marketing, Communication and Advertising.


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Aritza Lopez de Gereño Zarraga

Professor at the Faculty of Economics and Business at UPV/Ehu.
Responsable for strategy, innovation and networking at DOI ELKARTEA.
Director and mentor of the mentoring program for teams and projects.


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José Juan Orbe Oleaga

Lawyer, Mediator and Trainer.
Collaborative Lawyer in Collaborative Law processes.
Specialized in Criminal, Civil-Commercial and Family Law.


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Alkain Oribe

Lawyer and Trainer.  Member of the AVD-ZEA.
Colaborative Lawyer in Collaborative Law processes.
Specialized in Family Law.  Member of the AEAFA.


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Paulina Romero Rodríguez

Collaborative Lawyer and Mediator.
Member of the Board of the Association of Collaborative Law of the Basque Country.
Specialized in Civi-Commercial and Family Law.


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Carmen Aja Ruiz

Collaborative Lawyer and Trainer.
Founding partner of the Madrid Collaborative Law Association.
Specialized in conflict resolution and collaborative negotiation.


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